The Association Blog

News, ideas & inspiration from industry leaders

Tip of the Week


Tip of the Week: Keeping Families Safe

The ultimate toolkit for supporting women who are experiencing gender-based violence Many gender-based violence shelters do not take in animals, and survivors are often faced with the impossible choice of...
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Tip of the Week: Mental Health Resources

Tools for discussing and promoting mental health in the workplace As Mental Health Awareness Month comes to a close, this week’s tip serves as a reminder that discussing and promoting...
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Tip of the Week: Reach for the Low-Hanging Fruit

Simple adjustments to hiring & recruitment efforts can result in big DEI gains While we know the lasting systemic changes we’re working toward are best described as a marathon and...
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Tip of the Week: Ring Their Bell (and then some)

How do you celebrate adoptions? Listen to what your colleagues are doing Inquiring minds in our online member community want to know: Since adoption is our ultimate goal for every...
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Tip of the Week: Benefits Benchmarks

Want to offer your employees better benes? See what other nonprofits are doing We recently came across PPI Benefit Solutions’ Nonprofit Employee Benefits Survey Report from 2023. Knowing how much...
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Tip of the Week: Guest List

Here’s one smart idea you just may want to opt in to Do you offer free WiFi to visitors at your adoption center? Atlanta Humane Society does, and shares three...
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Tip of the Week: 9 Tenets of PACT

Review the shared beliefs of a movement in sheltering that recognizes the power of community Compassion, transparency, leadership. These are the drivers of People and Animals in Community Together (PACT), a...
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Tip of the Week: Guide for Hiring with a DEI Lens

Are you addressing and mitigating implicit biases in hiring? This 25-page guide can help Created especially for leaders and managers, the newly published Guide for Hiring with a Diversity, Equity,...
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Tip of the Week: ACO Appreciation Week Toolkit

How nifty is this?! Grab a toolkit of resources to make honoring your ACOs easier and more meaningful Are you ready for April 14-20? Thought about how you’ll be honoring...
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Tip of the Week: Found Kitten Flow Chart

Thanks to Hearts Speak and Dallas Animal Services for making this nifty customizable template available It’s coming up on Kitten Season, and nobody has extra time to reinvent the wheel—or...
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Tip of the Week: You Deserve a Break (or Five)

Micro-breaks are your new not-so-secret weapon So busy you can’t stop? Then take it easy. And short. According to a recent article in Harvard Business Review, multiple micro-breaks—we’re talking from...
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Tip of the Week: Everyone’s a Winner (When You Learn to Play the Game)

Housing more animals will lead to an increase in number of lives saved? Housing more animals will lead to an increase in number of lives saved? Not quite. Understanding the...
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