Honorary Animal Welfare Professional Members

Please join us in thanking these individuals for their many and significant contributions to both the animal welfare movement and The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement.

To show our gratitude for their years of dedication, integrity, professionalism, volunteerism, and support of The Association, we bestow upon them Honorary Membership. Honorary Members have access to the full suite of member benefits, in perpetuity. They will be members of The Association, always.

Frank Andrews

Donald Anthony

Martha Armstrong

Carl Bandow

James Bandow

Robyn Barbiers, DVM

Eric Blow

Mary Pat Boatfield, CAWA

Pamela Burns

Harold Dates, CAWA

Gloria Dorsey, DVM, MPH

Bob Downey

Dale Dunning

Archie Fiddler

Rick Gabrielson

Bill Garrett

Richard Gerbasi

Ursula Goetz

Robert Hudson

Rick Johnson

Lauren A. Joniaux

Don Jordan, CAWA

Ronald Lambert

Jane Luiso

Cindy Machado

Charles Marsh

Jane McCall, CAWA

Donald Mitton, CAWA

Julie Morris

Dan Morrison

John Nagy, CAWA

Kathleen Olson, CAWA

Ed Powers

Anne Reed, JD

Robert  Rohde, CAWA

Janet Scarlett, DVM, MPH, Ph.D.

M. Christie Smith, CAWA

John Snyder, CAWA

Glenn Summerlin

Gary Tiscornia, CAWA

Bill Virden

Jeanne Werner-Spaulding