The Association Blog

News, ideas & inspiration from industry leaders


Tip of the Week: Don’t Delay (unless you’re emailing at 11 PM)

August 26, 2024, The Association

Meet your next go-to leadership strategy

Managers, when it comes to warding off potential burnout in your team, are you modeling the behavior you wish to see? This question came up during this past June’s Solutions Summit. In our online panel about how to identify and support the next generation of leadership, Grand Prairie Animal Services’ Lily Yap, MBA, stressed the importance of work-life balance. “Even if you encourage someone to take a day off, but you’re emailing them while they’re out, or emailing someone at 11 pm,” says Yap, “that is not sending the message that you value work-life balance or self-care.”

As we all continue to work on modeling the behavior, Yap has two words for you: delayed emails. “I have to say the delayed email feature is one I utilize very often,” she says. This way, you can schedule the email to be sent at a time when your employees are back in the office. If you do have to send an email outside of regular hours, you can always add a disclaimer that the communication does not need to be responded to until regular working hours.

Find instructions for delaying or scheduling emails in Outlook here.
Find instructions for delaying or scheduling emails in Gmail here.

Learn More

For more ideas like this one, listen to the recording of the panel, Meet the Next Generation—And Keep Them, available through December 31. Members of The Association and Summit registrants can log-in and enjoy free access; others can register for the recordings here.

Photo: Unsplash

About The Association
The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement is a cohort of leaders on a mission to champion, advance, and unify the animal welfare profession.

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