The Association Blog

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Member Spotlight: Get to Know Tim Anderson, CAWA

April 11, 2023, The Association

The Animal Control Captain and Ops Manager for Regional Animal Services of King County talks about top trends in compensations and benefits—and dishes on who’d get an invite to his ultimate dinner party.

Name & Title:  Tim Anderson, CAWA, Animal Control Captain, Operations Manager, Regional Animal Services of King County
Member of The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement since:  2021
Certified Animal Welfare Administrator since: 2022

The Association: Describe yourself in three words. 
Tim Anderson: Easy-going, motivated and ambitious

The Association: Describe Regional Animal Services of King County in three words.  
Tim Anderson: Innovative, community-oriented and just

The Association: Tell us about one small victory you had this week—personally or professionally.  
Tim Anderson: I coordinate Washington State’s animal control academy, which graduated a class this week. This class had a class average of over 95%, and an ACO from our department graduated top of class with 98%.

The Association: What’s the last book you read? 
Tim Anderson: I just finished reading Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals.

The Association: Please share a hidden (or not-so-hidden) talent. 
Tim Anderson: My talent is so well hidden I have even yet to find it ????.

The Association: From your perspective, what are the top 3 most important trends regarding compensations and benefits in the animal welfare sector?
Tim Anderson: Post-pandemic we have to adjust as to whom we compete against in the labor market. For me, the top three are: work/life balance (4/10 or other alternate work schedules), hybrid or remote administrative or support positions, and health benefits and living wages.

The Association: Thank you for serving as Committee Chair for the 2023 Compensation and Benefits Study Committee. What surprised you and the committee as you prepared this year’s survey, which opened up for data collection last month? 
Tim Anderson: I was surprised about the amount of effort already put in to the survey. The work the committee did was incredibly thoughtful, and I believe captured all the numerous positions within our members’ organizations. And Kristi [Mack, HR Director for HSSV and 2023 Compensation & Benefits Study Committee Chair] was fantastic keeping us on task, on schedule and prepared!

The Association: OK—last question for fun… You can invite 5 people from all of history to dinner. Who’s at the table, and what are you eating?  
Tim Anderson: First, I would have to invite my late Grandma. She was my role model, and I miss her dearly – I would ask her to bring apple crisp, YUM! The remaining four I’d invite are Abraham Lincoln, Amelia Earhart, John Candy, and Mark Twain. I would ask them to bring their favorite food, and be prepared to tell us why it is their favorite food.

Learn More

How I Got Here: Stephanie Kendrick
Member Spotlight: Get to Know Kristi Mack
Member Spotlight: Get to Know Lily Yap, MBA
Member Spotlight: Get to Know Kathy Duncan
2023 Compensation & Benefits Study

About The Association
The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement is a cohort of leaders on a mission to champion, advance, and unify the animal welfare profession.
  1. It was my sincere pleasure to serve with Tim in the inaugural University of Wisconsin Northern Tier Shelter Fellowship Program. Tim is a brilliant, inspirational, and fun colleague and made a working and learning experience all the more enjoyable. Keep on keepin’ on, brother!
    Cliff Bennett (retired)

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