News, ideas & inspiration from industry leaders
Tip of the Week: Speak Out About Access to Care
Show your support for the PAW Act, legislation that would expand health spending accounts to include veterinary care expenses
We are thrilled to share the news that The People and Animals Well-being (PAW) Act—legislation that would allow veterinary care and pet health insurance expenses to be eligible under Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) and Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs)—has been introduced in Congress. As an animal welfare professional, you understand what a game-changer this can be for your community.
Now we’re asking you to join the Human-Animal Bond Research Institute and North American Veterinary Community Embrace and take action on this lifesaving legislation. It’s easy to show your support by asking your Member of Congress to co-sponsor the PAW Act today. Learn more here and pass this blog on to your coworkers and colleagues.
Photo: Unsplash
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