The Association Blog

News, ideas & inspiration from industry leaders


Tip of the Week: McKinsey’s Year in Charts

December 23, 2024, The Association

Twelve top data visualizations that speak to global change in the business and social sectors

In their session, “Adapting a Business Mindset to Animal Welfare,” at The Annual Conference, CAWAs Cait Daly and Jessica Arias shared a list of websites they regularly visit.

That list includes McKinsey & Company, the online home of the multinational strategy and management consultants that’ve been around since 1926. They’ve just released their annual Year in Charts, featuring twelve data visualizations that capture insights surrounding AI, talent trends, and the intersection of equity and health. Take a look and see what’s on the horizon that impacts the future of your organization.

P.S. Conference attendees, you have until the end of the year to grab speaker resources and handouts. Find ‘em here.

About The Association
The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement is a cohort of leaders on a mission to champion, advance, and unify the animal welfare profession.

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