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The Intake Podcast: How DocuPet Alleviates the Licensing Burden
If you’re an animal welfare professional looking to reduce intake and provide faster solutions for lost pets and worried families, this episode is for you
Meet Phillip Zimmerman. From his first day on the job as the Manager of Front Street Animal Shelter, he was swarmed by the influx of needs, gaps, challenges and opportunities within the Sacramento-area shelter.
One of the areas he realized they were consistently behind on? Licensing. In fact, before the pandemic, he and his staff were four to six months behind in processing license renewals and new applications. Yet, he couldn’t place another big-effort project on his already overwhelmed staff.
“It’s going to be someone at a keyboard typing in every data character,” said Zimmerman. “So again, just the amount of time it was taking my staff to do it, and they were still behind.”
Sound familiar?
In a recent episode of The Intake podcast, Zimmerman details how licensing was a major burden on his staff. He knew there had to be a better way.
Enter DocuPet, a North American pet licensing provider that currently serves over 180 communities from Canada to Florida. They work specifically with shelters and municipalities to help pets return home safely.
They also know that while shelter leaders and staff are busy dealing with hoarding situations, homelessness and various stages of medical and behavioral distress, that often leaves little time for the administrative work involved with pet licensing. The good news is they have the expertise, technology and resources to help.
To hear the full story of how DocuPet alleviated the licensing burden at Front Street Animal Shelter, listen to the conversation on The Intake: The Greater Impact of Pet Licensing with DocuPet and Front Street Animal Shelter.