News, ideas & inspiration from industry leaders

Tip of the Week: Which Job Would You Apply For?
Your Monday Motivation comes courtesy of staffing guru Tom Erb, who reminds us that job listings are marketing pieces—and not about the employer’s needs, but what the potential candidate wants.
How do you want job seekers to feel when they read one of your listings? Intimidated? Unengaged? Definitely not interested? Just plain bored? Of course not, but that’s how they may feel if your posting is employer-centric, rather than candidate-centric.
Would you rather apply for this job…

Or this one?

While both summaries aim for a level of transparency, the first one sounds like some of the phrases have been copied and pasted from a job description. It focuses on expectations and requirements. The bottom summary employs marketing techniques, in that it aims to paint a picture of what a day at work could be like.
Which would you apply for?
Take some time to reflect on other differences, and feel free to share what most stands out to you.
Tom shared the above tip in his recent webinar, Finding & Recruiting a Dream Team. You can register & listen to the recording anytime.
P.S. Don’t miss Tom’s next webinar, 6/29, Maximizing Employee Retention in a Highly Competitive Labor Market
More Tips & Info
Tip of the Week: ‘Show Me How’ Day
Tip of the Week: Can I See You In My Office?
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Webinar Recording: Finding & Recruiting a Dream Team
Upcoming Webinar with Tom, 6/29: Maximizing Employee Retention in a Highly Competitive Market