News, ideas & inspiration from industry leaders

Tip of the Week: Dreamer or Discoverer, Shepherd or Scientist?
It’s Monday—that means we’re passing along a tool, a time-saver, or a just-plain-genius idea that your colleagues and members of The Association have suggested and tested. This week we’re going medieval with Kingdomality, an online personality assessment that can be used as a fun icebreaker and teambuilding exercise.
P.S. If you’ve been enjoying our past tips and have one to share, leave a comment and tell us about it.
Is someone on your leadership team persuasive, charismatic, and exceptionally perceptive about people’s needs? Sounds like a Benevolent Ruler. And perhaps another colleague goes completely by the (science) book, constantly drawing new conclusions from your data. A true Scientist…
These are just two of the 12 medieval-themed character types in Kingdomality, a free online assessment that’s part of a program to enhance team communication and collaboration. “I’m a big fan,” says Charleston Animal Society’s Chief Advancement Officer, Sean Hawkins, CAWA, CFRE. “Each team member takes the 8-question assessment, which uses analytical psychology to create their unique profile. The group then participates in a discussion about how each of the personality types is an important part of the ‘Kingdom.’” Participants are encouraged to bring costumes or a group element that identifies their personality type as a way to kick off the discussion.
Because it’s engaging and unique, Kingdomality could be a great new way to break old patterns. Hawkins conducted his first Kingdomality workshop when he became the ED of Santa Maria Valley Humane Society. “There were long-established divides between the animal care staff, adoptions staff, veterinary team, and administration,” he says. “Kingdomality was the first exercise I brought to the group to show how every person has a role in the Kingdom—the shelter—and the organization does not function without the talents and personalities of each. Also, as the new guy going into an established organization, having the props was a fun way to break the ice.”
Wanna give it a try? Take the first step and complete the Personal Preference Profile.
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