News, ideas & inspiration from industry leaders
Tip of the Week: DIY Sabbatical Guide
Need a break? Explore this guide for implementing a sabbatical policy at your organization
At The Annual Conference earlier this month, keynote speaker Vu Le stressed the importance of sabbaticals for nonprofit staff—not just for executive leadership, but for all individuals who’ve served for a set number of years.
Vu’s been talking about this for a while—and points to the Durfee Foundation’s DIY Sabbatical Guide as a great resource to help get you started to implement a policy at your organization. The guide includes a rough timeline for planning a sabbatical, as well as a variety of sample policies.
In addition to the DIY Guide, be sure to read Vu’s blog about the benefits of sabbaticals and peruse his list of funders that have provided support for nonprofit sabbaticals.