News, ideas & inspiration from industry leaders

Letter from the President: At The Heart of It All
This Thanksgiving, know that you are seen and appreciated

Dear Colleagues,
As I write this I am just back from New Orleans, following our biggest, and arguably our best, Annual Conference so far. My cup is full to overflowing with thanks to the many connections made and re-made with over 650 animal welfare professionals eager to do better—to BE better. I saw and experienced so many heartfelt hugs and thoroughly enjoyed all your smiles. Catch some highlights of the event here.
If you’ve known me for more than about ten minutes, you’ve probably heard me say that the strength of The Association is in the NETWORK! Sure, the keynotes and breakout sessions are very valuable to our professional development. But, the relationships we form or solidify over meals or drinks or morning walks are the things we’ll always hold dear. I don’t necessarily remember the educational content from my first conference nearly 40 years ago, but I do remember the friendships I made and value still today.
I am so thankful for each and every one of you. Truly. I deeply appreciate your countless contributions to moving our honorable profession to greater heights than many of us ever dreamed possible. Our sponsors and donors make all our collective work possible. Our volunteers help keep the wheels turning. Our staff teams and boards of directors add heart AND muscle to this work.
We have changed the world and we continue to do so on a daily basis. Animals and people across the many communities we serve are better off thanks to your efforts and commitment.
Animal welfare can, at times, be a thankless profession. The very folks leading the work are sometimes targeted and blamed for the challenges against which we fight. So, this week and throughout the year, I want you to know that in a sometimes-thankless profession, I am THANKFUL FOR YOU!
This week we will gather around tables to eat too much good food, watch too much football and catch up with the ones we love. At my house, one of our traditions is to ask everyone to share what they are thankful for. Expressions of gratitude take on many forms, with kids being grateful for the latest video game and some adults being thankful that their team has a winning record. But, at the heart of it all we are grateful for each other.
I wish you peace and joy this Thanksgiving and throughout the holidays and the new year ahead. Know that you are seen and appreciated, and keep doing the amazing work. The world is a better place today than it was 40 years ago, thanks to your perseverance and commitment. And, thanks to you, it will be a better place tomorrow than it is today. I hope you will take some time to take care of yourself this holiday season. The animals and people in your community need you. We all do.

Hello Jim,
Thank you for the beautiful letter. I am moving to New Mexico in two weeks and would like to find a job in animal welfare on-site or online. I have 25 year’s experience in development/marketing and have also be executive director of two nonprofits. I took some time off for family and have not been in circulation for several years but I still have the skills and passion for the field. I’ll check with the AFP too but I’d appreciate it if you could share some ideas and contacts from Santa Fe with me.
Thank you and have a blessed holiday season.
Best regards
I’m writing to thank you Jim Tedford. I’m writing to thank you for putting heart into this amazing note, referencing “ This Thanksgiving, know that you are seen and appreciated”. The thought, time and spirit conveyed in this message gives me hope. Ironically, it not only gives me hope for the animals we love so very much needing our support, but more than anything, it gives me hope in finding an organization that truly cares about it’s people and purpose. Thank you so very much for this note.