The Association Blog

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3 Ideas for Taking Action on Martin Luther King Jr. Day

January 13, 2025, Jasmin Robinson

Jasmin Robinson, Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiatives with The Association, shares how to have more than a dream next Monday, January 20.

Every third Monday in January, many U.S. Americans take off from their jobs to observe the federal holiday, Martin Luther King Jr. Day. For many, this day is seen as an opportunity to reflect on the life and legacy of one of the most iconic figures in civil rights history. But how can we honor this day of observance?

One word. Action. Here are three ways to move from reflection to action and support Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream for equality.

Volunteer your time
Many community-based organizations are in need of volunteers to assist with providing services. One of the main ways Reverend Dr. King made an impact was in large part due to community organizing. Check out local job boards, library boards or go online and complete a search to sign up and volunteer your time. BONUS: invite family and friends and make it an annual day of service.

Many of you are also hosting Days of Service for the public at your organizations. It’s a tradition at The Anti-Cruelty Society, for example. This year’s Day of Service will include fun crafting activities—making beds and toys for shelter pets—as well as meet-and-greets with animals and a Q&A with staff.

Day of Service at Anti-Cruelty Society

At the Animal Welfare Association, community members sign up for time slots and bring toymaking supplies like pipe cleaners, construction paper and old T-shirts.  

Unfortunately, there is still a gap in the animal welfare profession and its support for underserved communities. Spend the day learning about the disparities affecting racially minoritized communities and animal welfare. This program spotlight from Best Friends Network Partners outlines 6 ways for reducing racism in animal welfare. California for All has a robust website that features resources to address systemic issues in animal welfare. You may also be interested in Antiracism in Animal Advocacy, a book that explores racial equity practices in animal welfare.

These two webinar recordings from The Association are highly relevant resources to revisit:

  • Allyship in Action includes tips for taking action and creating change at your organization

Donate to a cause 
According to the U.S. Department of Justice, incidents of bias against people based on race, ethnicity, and ancestry increased 32% from 2019 to 2020. This statistic supports an opportunity for communities to recommit to obtaining civil liberties for all. Consider donating to national organizations such as the NAACPACLU, and AAOI Equity Alliance, or identify a local organization to support.

Help keep Dr. King’s dream alive and take action today, and please share any additional ways you are honoring his legacy in your community.

Photo: Unseen Histories/Unsplash

About Jasmin Robinson
As Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiatives with The Association, Jasmin Robinson is part of the team working on DEI in animal welfare spaces. Jasmin is a consultant, educator, and equity thought partner with over 12 years of professional experience. She primarily supports higher education institutions, k-12 schools, and nonprofit organizations with diversity, equity, and inclusion strategic planning, program development, trainings, and facilitation. Jasmin is a certified qualified administrator for the Intercultural Development Inventory, LLC. In addition, she is a member of the Illinois Diversity Council (ILDC), Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education (NASPA), and the National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education (NADOHE). Jasmin is completing a Ph.D. in Educational Administration, and her research interest include Black women experiences in historically white spaces, anti-Blackness, and cultural competence. In her spare time, Jasmin enjoys cooking, walking, thrifting, and brunch spots in the Chicagoland area.

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