News, ideas & inspiration from industry leaders

Tip of the Week: They Got a Lot Growin’ On
This week we’re passing along a resource shared by Drs. Elizabeth Berliner and Erin Henry in their recent webinar, Saving the Smallest: Optimizing Neonatal/Pediatric Kitten & Puppy Care in Shelters.
Many of you reading this are already experts at aging kittens, from the time they open their eyes to when they’re fully weaned. But for other folks, it may not be as easy—especially because these little ones grow and change so quickly.
That’s why Drs. Elizabeth Berliner and Erin Henry of Maddie’s Shelter Medicine Program at Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine recommend Alley Cat Allies’ Kitten Progression Chart. Big on detail and design, it’s invaluable in helping to determine a kitten’s age—and thus what kind of care they need. Be sure to share it with your foster volunteers.
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Webinar recording: Saving the Smallest: Optimizing Neonatal/Pediatric Kitten & Puppy Care in Shelters.
Photo: The Louisiana SPCA/Facebook