News, ideas & inspiration from industry leaders

Tip of the Week: Go Ahead, Make My Day
Your #MondayMotivation for raising $ for animals with medical needs, courtesy of Charleston Animal Society
Looking for extra dollars to treat special medical cases requiring offsite veterinary care? “Fundraising and community awareness are the key,” shares Jodi Osborne, Rescue and Foster Manager at Charleston Animal Society (CAS). “Don’t be afraid to post on social media or send out constituent appeals.”
CAS typically selects 3-4 individual animals per year and posts on them frequently, “talking about how the animal came in, what care the animal needs, and what the cost of that care would be,” says Osborne. Take Roo, for example, a kitty with eye agenesis who needed multiple surgeries.
“Remember that some of your community members might not be familiar with these types of medical conditions,” Osborne explains. And not only do these types of posts serve as ways to secure donations, they educate the public and help to promote animals who will soon be available for adoption.
Note: This tip was originally shared in the recent webinar, Managing Eye Care in the Shelter & Foster Environment. Listen to the recording to learn about common eye concerns seen in shelter dogs and cats, and how staff and fosters can help these animals heal. And Roo? “He got adopted and is doing great in is new home,” shares Osborne.
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