News, ideas & inspiration from industry leaders
Tip of the Week: We’ll Have Seconds, Please
A second edition of this groundbreaking, lifesaving document was recently released.
Originally published in 2010, the Guidelines for Standards of Care in Animal Shelters quickly became the most important benchmark for organizational self-assessment and improvement, a framework for shelter consultations, and a basis for shelter regulation.
“While animal sheltering has evolved substantially in the last decade,” states the Association of Shelter Veterinarians, “this second edition shares the same fundamental goals.” Those goals include providing a set of common standards based on scientific evidence, as well as sharing guidance to help organizations reduce overcrowding, stress and disease.
The 84-page guidelines are written for organizations, any type or size, that provide temporary housing for companion animals.
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Tip of the Week: One for Good Measure
Tip of the Week: High-Volume TNR Program Interest Group
Tip of the Week: It Must Be Your Personality
Tip of the Week: Screen Test