News, ideas & inspiration from industry leaders

Tip of the Week: Hit the Breaks
Didya catch our recent webinar, “How Can Science Help You Engage Your Workforce”? Managers, here’s a simple, impactful idea shared by UNC Charlotte’s Natalie Wilde that you can walk down the hall and practice right now.
We’re hearing a lot about employee burnout in all sectors, and the importance of limiting its impact. “Here’s a preventative strategy that supervisors can take,” shares Natalie Wilde of Shelter Employee Engagement & Development Survey (SeeDS), a science-based assessment tool designed to increase employee engagement.
It’s simple. Walk down the hall—or call or email if your direct report is remote—and encourage them to take the paid time off they are rightfully owed. This includes, as appropriate, taking time off work for doctor’s appointments.
Adds Wilde, “This is also a great time to welcome open conversation with your staff about their stress level and capacity to continue working at their current level.”
How are you ensuring staff takes the time they need to relax and refresh?
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Webinar Recording: How Can Science Help You Engage Your Workforce