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Tip of the Week: Get It In Writing
When it comes to the threat of eviction, this week’s tip can make all the difference in keeping pets in their homes.
The scenario is all too common. A new landlord or deceitful manager uses the threat of eviction to force out long-term tenants from rent-controlled apartments so that they can raise the rent. Add pet taxes and breed restrictions on top of 25% rent increases in some areas of the country, and many families are being forced to choose between a place to stay and keeping their pets.
As a community resource, there is a simple, powerful thing your shelter can do to keep families together—in their homes. “They may not be aware of tenant’s rights, and that they can push back,” says Dianne Prado, an eviction defense attorney and founder of Housing Equality & Advocacy Resource Team (HEART) LA. “In every single state,” she notes, “it is required that a landlord give written notice” if they want to institute a no-pets policy or evict someone for having a pet.
Prado urges shelters to track landlord and tenant issues at intake by asking those relinquishing their pets, “Did you get a written notice from your landlord?” If the answer is no, you can send them back home with their pet—and a list of legal resources. You may find this information by contacting your local and state departments of housing, as well as US Dept of Housing and Urban Development Rent Relief resources.
This tip was shared by Dianne Prado in The Association’s latest podcast, What You Should Know If You Rent With a Pet.
Listen to the podcast on Vimeo.
Listen to the podcast on Spotify.
Don’t Miss! THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 at 2 ET: “Not A Luxury: Pet Companionship & Social Justice” with Dianne Prado & Amanda Arrington
While this is correct in most states, it may not be in all.
Before you give legal advice about landlord/tenant law, you might be sure of it.
While I work for a surrender prevention organization, I am also a landlord advocate and vendor as well and its a convoluted question. I am putting together a series of pet-friendly housing seminars in MA and CT as these questions are coming up all too often.