News, ideas & inspiration from industry leaders
Most Popular Webinar Recordings of 2021
Here are the 10 juiciest, most actionable and thought-provoking webinars you kept coming back to. Catch up on those you missed and let us know if they bring you any aha! moments.
Pharmaceutical Challenges in Sheltering
“The pandemic has made drug acquisition more challenging,” shares Lauren Forsythe, PHARMD, DICVP, FSVHP. In this session, she’ll address the cost of meds, recordkeeping requirements, and what to consider when using compounded medications. Register and listen to the recording.
Recruiting and Retaining Veterinarians
Where did all the veterinarians go? Learn from successful programs and find where they placed job ads, what types of ads work best, and how to make your organization a place where veterinarians want to come work and want to stay. Register and listen to the recording.
Staff Safety & Occupational Hazards in Shelters
What type of hazards are most common in a shelter? Why do we see injuries in the workplace? Dr. Jeanette O’Quin discusses common chemical, biological, and physical hazards and shares measures to reduce these risks. Register and listen to the recording.
Access to Veterinary Care: Community Models to Prevent Relinquishment
Learn about the 3 types of medical care that communities can start providing to families now, in an effort to decrease shelter surrender and increase reclaim of pets with inaccessible medical needs. Register and listen to the recording.
How the Legislative Process Works
How does a bill become a law on the state and federal levels? What’s the role of government, lobbyists and citizen advocates in shaping public policy? Register and listen to the recording.
Shelter Dentistry: Complicated Costs of Care
Dentistry—it’s not just cleaning and pulling teeth. Dr. Lesli Groshong discusses common dental procedures in the shelter and how dental disease impacts animals, shelters, adopters and veterinarians. Register and listen to the recording.
Virtual Events: Lessons Learned in a Year of Chaos
Get the fundamentals of hosting a successful virtual event, including creating an engaging experience, activating volunteers and donors, running an organized, well-planned show, and using data to track and measure. Register and listen to the recording.
Spay/Neuter: Integral to Access to Care
In most instances, the answer is not wellness care OR spay/neuter services, but wellness care AND spay/neuter services. Here’s strategies for funding and staffing to make it happen. Register and listen to the recording.
Stewardship: Breaking Free from the Ask-and-Repeat Model
Instead of the same-old, same old, here’s some ideas for new tools and technology, building stronger connections with supporters and targeting high-value donors. Register and listen to the recording.
Digital Revenue: Small Changes Can Make a Big Impact
Tiny but mighty tweaks that can help you SEO-optimize your website, improve your Google Ad Grant performance, and best utilize pop-up windows. Register and listen to the recording.
Upcoming Webinars
Ready to kick off your 2021 pro dev? We’ve got 3 great suggestions:
January 19, Whole and Intentional Leader Development
February 2, Practicing Ethical Community Engagement
February 23, Heartworm Help Desk